Deconstruct trauma’s influence through selfless service and giving that promotes healthy constructs—from hopeless to hope-focused. And share the teachings of Christ through itinerant ministry, reaching people from all walks of life and guiding them toward a closer relationship with God.
Connect people to resources and healthy choices to alter the influence, disrupt the path of trauma, and deconstruct its deadly lies and false constructs by serving the community, fostering spiritual growth, and promoting love, compassion, and inclusivity. T
Raise awareness and promote advocacy against child exploitation and abuse. And provide a safe place for the survivors to heal and move from victims to victors.
Connect U.S. service Veterans to resources.
Donate resources and connect homeless and working homeless individuals and families to instigate transformative conversations and positive actions for community improvement.
Develop healthy partnerships for positive change in our community.
Provide resources, clothes, food, and connections within the community that have resulted in short- and long-term housing.
Collect and donate school supplies and related material, uniforms, undergarments and personal hygiene items, resources, and healthy food to school-age children in need.
Provide Christ-centered counseling, coaching, hope, and shelter to hurting, abandoned, post-trafficked, and/or abused school-age girls (6-18 years old). We provide a safe place for our trauma survivors to break the cycle of abuse and work through the negative to realize their true identity as the beloved of God, created in HIS Image and likeness.
Christ-centered counseling and coaching. We partner with you to give birth to your dreams, dethrone, dismantle, destroy trauma’s grip to give room for you to breathe again.