No amount is too small.

let your giving be strategic and extravagant!

Giving is the greatest expression of love. no amount is too small. Let your giving be the voice which provokes the conversation that meets the need in the local community. Contribute today toward building a better community.

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Home for the Homeless

Long-term youth residential home

Long-term home, counseling, and care for abused, sexually molested, or post-trafficked school-age girls (6-18 years old). The residents receive counseling, mentoring, food, clothing, care, and love as they pursue their education. While in Nanna House, the girls receive education, coaching and training to help them develop the life skills required to live independently. We are currently only accepting applications for girls 11-18 years old who are actively pursuing their high school diploma. Nanna House 2 (still in development) will assist post-high school graduates through trade school or College. We are also developing a Nanna House for males.

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Why Talk to Strangers?

That stranger may be the next step in your progression. You can choose to be a resource or conduit.

The principles of Heaven are founded in love. Love is strategic and grounded in relationships. Homelessness and trauma strive to make society separate, divide, and judge the afflicted. We talk to strangers to remind them that their circumstances do not define them. Their identity is not based on their situation. Our identity collectively is based on the Holy Bible. And our Bible tells us that we all are God’s beloved. Give to feed the hungry, clothe the needy, and have transformational conversations that transitions one to the next level.

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Mid-wives Facilitate Birth

Like a skilled and trained surgeon, mid-wives are laser-focused on the area God highlights for transformation. Using transformational conversations, we impart divine knowledge, wisdom, and insight to bring into reality visions, businesses, witty ideas, and inventions. We coach and help you deliver your baby. Your donation will purchase books, training, and give access to pertinent resources that will help those in need to go to the next level in business development, home ownership, and their dream’s sustainment.