$10,000 plus in donations. Over 300 families received food, school supplies, and life resources.Veterans supported leading to business creations, teens rescued moving from trauma to recovery! You matter! Your donations matter! Thank you!!


YOU make it work!


Our Pastors, Apostles Tony and Cynthia Brazelton, set in motion the “Each One, Reach One” campaign. Our assignment is to build a better community through giving, education, demonstrating selfless love, developing relationship, and providing discipleship. We can build a better community by reaching out to one person. As a result of the charge, we have been serving in our local community and homeless shelters since 2004. We have collected and given away shoes, clothes, Holy Bibles, linen, toiletries, coats, and money to the homeless and disadvantaged. We have also co-led events such as neighborhood cookouts, pop up giveaways, and a community day. 100% of the received donations were used to serve local communities. The ultimate goal is reconciliation, conversation, and transformation from death to life, from hopelessness to a life choice-driven. The ultimate goal is to transform thoughts then lives from hopeless to hope-focused.



This organization is supported entirely by volunteers! Men, women, and children have signed up to participate in giving away the donations, talking to strangers about Jesus, praying, meeting basic needs, and supporting the events. No experience is needed. We provide training. The only requirement is a willing heart.


SPONSORS and partners

We have been blessed to have well-known companies and businesses partner with us to provide food, counselling, hope, health wellness exams, and education to local communities. In one day alone, over 700 families received healthy food, education, prayer, Holy Bibles, and life-improving resources! This task would not have been successful without our partners and sponsors. The need is great but we can do more with your supply and help. Our goal is to extend our reach, expand the impact, double the number of families served, and build healthy relationships to make better communities.



Authentic love captures attention and communicates care. Love makes room for prayer. Prayer changes things! We prayed for 100s; shared the Good News of Jesus Christ as Lord to 100s; and we connected 100s to life-changing resources, mentors, and coaches. Some of the measurable victories include: Multiple small businesses were birthed, multiple marriages were restored, more than 10 resumes written resulting in new jobs, homeless singles were sheltered, three single parent homeless families now have housing and one teen was rescued. The donated material and resources cost money but the joy and relief expressed by every encounter is priceless. Imagine how much more can be done when you join the team!


Donations of time, money, and resources communicate you care. Make an impact, give!

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donations and impact


2019 - 2022


2019 - was the first year of measurable growth. Our goal was to give, teach, educate, and transform men, women, children and generations into the image God desires.

2020 - our goal was increased outreach and giving but COVID-19 restrictions changed our approach. Outreach activities in communities were suspended. We pivoted our focus to Nanna House; youth shelter for abused, exploited, and post-trafficked youth.

2021 - our focus shifted to serving our community through education. Coaching and counseling services plus giveaways aided our community and blessed our Ministry.

2022 - our reach expanded and Unapologetically Resilient 2022 was launched.


Ready to help?


