When things look endless, empty, and the end looks like a long way off …

When things look endless, empty, and the end looks like a long way off …

When you don’t know what to do and don’t know who to talk to and can’t find the answer ….

When you don’t know what to do and don’t know who to talk to and can’t find the answer ….

There is only one book with tried and proven answers to every question …

There is only one book with tried and proven answers to every question …

Our Nation was built using this book as its foundation. And the answers for whatever or whoever troubles you is in this book.

Our Nation was built using this book as its foundation. And the answers for whatever or whoever troubles you is in this book.

This book is the Holy Bible. God told us to ask HIM when we have a need or problem and we will receive; seek HIM when we are feeling out there, lonely, crazy, or lost and we will find; and knock when we’re standing at a closed door and it will be op…

This book is the Holy Bible. God told us to ask HIM when we have a need or problem and we will receive; seek HIM when we are feeling out there, lonely, crazy, or lost and we will find; and knock when we’re standing at a closed door and it will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-1 2)

Let prayer — simply talking to God — be your first choice.


Not sure if God hears you? Don’t believe HE will answer you? Well since HE said HE would answer and HE has proven what HE said HE does then this means the problem is with your belief system.

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Identity: God said you and I are created in HIS image and HIS likeness (Genesis 1:26)

Responsibility: Be fruitful, take dominion, replenish, subdue, and multiply (Genesis 1:28)

Why do I need God?: My simple answer is why do you need air? God is life. Being in right relationship with the one who created Heaven and Earth is a gift. We are HIS children and HE made it clear that HE wants a relationship with us through the death of HIS only son, Jesus. (John 3:16)

I am not good enough, I still sin and do wrong things. How do I know God loves me?: God said that we all have sinned and fallen short but HE loves us anyway. (Romans 3:23)

Okay, that sounds good. What’s the cost? How much do I need to pay or do to let God know I believe HE loves me? : The cost is $0. You cannot pay or give God enough—HE died for you long before you were born and paid for all of your sins on the Cross. Your cost is $0. What you need to do is simply believe in your heart and confess with your mouth all that you’ve read. (Romans 10:9) This is called Salvation or being saved.

Is that really all? That is the first step. You are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). As your Creator and architect, God truly is the only one that knows you. So, you need to know Him. Talk to Him and learn to listen. Don’t know how? Find a Holy Bible teaching, love demonstrating house of God (church). It takes practice to master anything. Going to church, listening to the Word of God, reading the Holy Bible will strengthen you and your faith. It is necessary to help you know the Master and walk out HIS promises, prosperity, and destiny that HE has planned for you.